Let those who love the Lord hate evil, for he guards the lives of his faithful ones and delivers them from the hand of the wicked.
Psalm 97:10

Brent Knoll Church of England Primary School

About the School

The school was established in 1861 and serves both the village and the wider community. It was originally described as 'a chaste and commodious gothic building'.  The school master, William Buckingham, reported that an average of about 90 children attended the school during the 1880s and 1890s.  The school now currently caters for 125 children within 5 classes. The children therefore, benefit from small classes within a school that maintains its ‘village’ feel.

As a co-educational day school Brent Knoll Primary caters for pupils from 4 to 11 years old.  We provide a caring, happy and positive atmosphere in which the children may fulfil their potential, grow in self-confidence and develop respect for the people and environment around them.  A strong work ethic together with emphasis placed on establishing good literacy and numeracy skills ensures the achievement of high academic standards.  Our special links with St. Michael’s Church and involvement in the life of the parish ensures our children and staff are part of a Christian community where everyone is valued. Since the summer there has been a focus on developing after school clubs, outdoor learning and involving the older pupils in competitive games with other schools across the Sedgemoor area.

There is a breakfast club available from 7.30am to 9am, as well as after-school clubs to 6pm, provided by Tadpoles Pre School which is situated just down the road in Brent Street.

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