Let those who love the Lord hate evil, for he guards the lives of his faithful ones and delivers them from the hand of the wicked.
Psalm 97:10

St Mary's Church, East Brent


St Mary's East Brent

The church is situated at the end of Church Road (TA9 4HZ) which is a turning off Brent Road by the village green.  You can normally park near the church, but please ensure that you do not obstruct the driveways of local residents.

For a general description of the church please click on the link below

General description of St Mary's Church

      Our Stone Crucifix was erected to commemorate Archdeacon Denison, who was our vicar for 51 years.  His full name was George Anthony Dennison and he came to St Mary's Church of the Blessed Virgin in 1845 and he died in 1896.        Following an epidemic of diphtheria he was responsible for damming the stream on the knoll and providing the village with its first supply of clean drinking water.  In 1837 together with Churchwarden John Higgs he founded the famous East Brent Harvest Home which is still carried out in late August.

 Our Stone Crucifix, which has recently been restored thanks to a kind donation, was erected to commemorate Archdeacon Denison,   who was our vicar for 51 years.  His full name was George Anthony Dennison and he came to St Mary's Church of the Blessed   Virgin in 1845 and he died in 1896.

 Following an epidemic of diphtheria he was responsible for damming the stream on the knoll and providing the village with its first supply of clean drinking water.  In 1837 together with   Churchwarden John Higgs he founded the famous East Brent Harvest Home which is still carried out in late August. 



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