He was despised and rejected by mankind, a man of suffering, and familiar with pain. Like one from whom people hide their faces he was despised, and we held him in low esteem. Surely he took up our pain and bore our suffering, yet we considered him punished by God, stricken by him, and afflicted.
Isaiah 53:3-4

Life Events

The Church has traditionally played a big part in our lives through some key life events - baptisms, weddings and funerals. 

Baptisms (also called Christenings)

Baptisms are an opportunity for the parents to thank God for the gift of a child, to start the child on their journey of faith and ask the church to support them and their child on this journey as part of the church. It is a commitment and there are promises to be made about bringing your child to church and teaching them about Jesus’ love.

If you live in these villages or have very close connections with a family who worship at the churches, you can ask for your child to be baptised here. You will be asked to attend church prior to confirming a date. There are no fees for these servicesPlease contact office.tpots@gmail.com.


A wedding is a happy event, celebrating a couple's decision to make a lifelong commitment to each other. And a wish to make that commitment in church is even better; giving thanks to God and making the promises to Him as well as to the assembled congregation of relatives and friends, that will form the bedrock of the couple's future lives together.

Love expressed in the commitment of marriage is a gift from God. You can marry in the Church of England whether you are baptised (christened) or not, whatever your beliefs or your age and the bride doesn’t have to wear white. You may also be able to marry if you have been divorced under certain conditions, which you need to discuss with us.

The option of a church wedding is available to more people than you might think. There are some requirements as to who is able to be married in a particular church; you may want to have a look at the church's dedicated website www.yourchurchwedding.org which has guidelines about this as well as lots of other useful information about planning a wedding.

If you live in the parish or have a qualifying local connection and would like to get married here, please contact office.tpots@gmail.com.


Losing someone close to you is never easy. If you find yourself in this position, we are sorry for your loss, and would like to be able to pray for and support you during this time.

A funeral marks the end of a human life on earth. It is an opportunity for friends and family to express their grief, to give thanks for the life which has now been completed, and to commend the person who has died into God’s keeping.

Funeral services in the Church of England can vary greatly, from a very short and quiet time, with only a few members of the family present, to an occasion of great solemnity with music, hymns, and a church full of people. Services can be tailored to suit whatever the family feels is appropriate in order to celebrate the life of their loved one. This may include hymns, a favourite piece of music, prayers, readings and a eulogy. The words and actions of the funeral service all speak of a loving God and his longing to comfort us at difficult times in our lives.

In general, the Funeral Director of your choice will contact the Church Office and make arrangements for you. For information about funerals or memorial services or to ask questions please contact office.tpots@gmail.com or ring 01278 769082.

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