
I always thank my God for you because of his grace given you in Christ Jesus. For in him you have been enriched in every way—with all kinds of speech and with all knowledge—
1 Corinthians 1:4-5


Like many parishes, our finances are a constant concern.

Our churches were paid for and built by the parishes and the buildings are very much community assets. They are there during the happy times in life - for baptisms, weddings, Christmas & Easter, and for the sadder times in life - for funerals, for prayer for sickness and pain. 

We want to ensure that the churches remain open and thriving but we do need money to do it. you may not be Christian, you may not be a regular church goer, but we hope that you value having these wonderful buildings and the Christian community that they hold within the parish. It is up to us to maintain our church buildings. We get no grants from the central church or government.

Please do consider setting up a Standing Order to help the church. Please contact the church office for more information on how to do this.

You can give to any of these funds and your generosity will always be appreciated.  Regular giving is the best way to give as it enables the PCC to budget and plan the future. 

We prefer to have donations through Parish Giving as this reduces the work that we have to do to record donations and claim gift aid.

Should you not wish to use Parish Giving, the Bank details for direct bank transfer to The Church Life fund or each of the Heritage Funds are as follows:

Church Life Fund: "The Parish of Three Saints", CAF Bank, 40-52-40, 00022660

St Christophers Church: CAF Bank, 40-52-40, 00016376

St Marys Church: CAF Bank: 40-52-40, 00004646

St Michaels Church: CAF Bank: 40-52-40, 00024403

You can also donate by cash or cheque to the Church Office, Church Road, East Brent. Cheques should be payable to: "The Parish of Three Saints", "St Christopher's Church", "St Mary's Church" or "St Michael's Church".

Thank you. 



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